About Portland Psychotherapy
Portland Psychotherapy is based on a social enterprise model that delivers three services:
Specialty therapy services for the public
Training in evidence-based therapy for professionals
Scientific research to benefit all of humanity

OUR MISSION is to use science to develop and guide compassionate, effective treatment and contribute to the wider community through research and training.
OUR BUSINESS MODEL ensures that we are on the cutting edge of what’s happening in evidence-based practice. The clients we see and the services and training we provide fund our scientific research. You can read more about our business model on our website for clients.
The website you're visiting now focuses on our training and research mission.
Attend a course
Join your peers in the best online and in-person training for Mental Health Professionals.
If you are a client interested in therapy services, please visit our sister site at www.portlandpsychotherapy.com.
You can read our privacy policy here.